Saute the chicken in a large skillet with 2 TBSP olive oil over medium high heat until all signs of pink are gone. Add garlic, Italian Seasoning, salt and pepper and continue cooking for 1 minute. Remove from heat and let the chicken cool.
While the chicken is cooling, cut the corn kernels from the cob by placing the larger end of the ear on a cutting board and running a sharp knife down between the kernel and the cob. *If using frozen corn, place in a strainer and run cool water over the corn then let it defrost- do not cook.
Fill a steamer or pot with 2 inches of water. Place corn and green beans in the steamer and bring to a boil. Cover and let cook for about 8 minutes, until slightly crunchy. Then transfer to a strainer and rinse with cold water to prevent further cooking.
Preparation Tips:
Store in a container with a twist top or snap lid.